Monday 25 February 2013

boomerang my head in

I have been neglecting this space terribly. I must apologise but I've been caught up with life and work. Oh the work. Once the work piles up, I tend to hermit myself at home to finish it...which just leads to an uninteresting blog entry.

But since I'm 22 going on 30, I have time to kill while waiting for some giveaway on a certain radio station. While it might be aimed at people my "age" or younger, I find it really hard to stomach such programs. If you''ve ever watched Parks and Recreation (YEAH!), it's like listening to the Douches. That bad.  (Edit: Did not get it. I am old and can't do things as fast)

Since I last updated, I've turned 22! Oh no. Nothing can top my 21st birthday. I celebrated it with Nic for the first time in ages. We wandered around London and fought the winter winds. I also managed to go to the Doctor Who exhibition (SCREAMINGGG) and caught Wicked after that. Yes, we really love Wicked. We had front row seats and you have no idea how amazing it was. T_T We also met the cast after that! I was particularly excited about meeting Matt Willis. He was the bassist in Busted. I love them. (STILL DO! NO SHAME!) Meeting him was one of my childhood dreams so it was really fantastic. :') This year was much more mellow. I had a good lunch and dinner and that was it.

I don't feel 22. "I feel old, but not very wise" applies to me wonderfully.

ANYWAY, these three weeks are fantastic for me. I have three wonderful concerts lined up. Well, now two. I went to one on Friday.

Which one? Don't laugh. I went for Kim Joong Kook's fanmeet. My only objective was to see him dance. It was really disappointing though. I've only been to "western" concerts so I get 1~1.5hours of good music. If I'm lucky I get more than 2. This one however, will be my first and only fanmeet. Joong Kook only sang what must be 6 songs. That's it. Everything else was him playing games. And I felt so bad for him because they made him play games that were really tug of war. I'm serious. It's bad when he himself could ask the host, "Why am I doing this?" halfway through.

It was not worth the money I paid. I was bored out of my mind and my pity for him only increased with every minute. Good thing I went with an equally bored person. Don't get us wrong, we like him as a singer and a host, but we really can't be bothered to scream whenever he flexes his muscles or something. I think we're a little too old for that. However, the other 2998 people in Kallang Theatre enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

I think the point of this entry can be summed up as, "I am 22 going on 30"

PEACE OUT YOZXZXZ (Hey! I can use young lingo too!)